Tuesday, 14 February 2023 - Valentine's Day
Pre-workout Skill Work: EMOM 6 2 hang squat snatches - Build to a heavy two reps Conditioning: AMRAP 5: 10 squat snatches (75/115) 20 box...

Monday, 13 February 2023
Conditioning: 4 RFT 400 meter run 450/500 meter row Post-workout Skill Work: Accumulate: 50 GHD hip extensions

Friday, 10 February 2023
Conditioning: For time: 450/500 meter row 100 push-ups 450/500 meter row Post-workout Skill Work: 3 sets: 15 bent-over rows 10 barbell...

Thursday, 9 February 2023
Conditioning: AMRAP 10: 20 double-unders 10 goblet squats (53/70) 5 box jumps (24/30) – Use a single KB for the squats Post-workout Skill...

Wednesday, 8 February 2023
Conditioning: 5 RFT: 30 hip extensions 30 strict sit-ups Post-workout Skill Work: Accumulate: 30 strict toes-to-bars

Tuesday, 7 February 2023 // PARTNER
Conditioning: 3 RFT w/a partner: 800 meter run 10 rope climbs 50 overhead squats (65/95) – Run together & split rope climbs & squats as...

Monday, 6 February 2023
Pre-workout Skill Work: 5 sets: 3 power snatches – Build to a heavy three touch & go reps Conditioning: For time: 3-6-9-12-15: Bar-facing...

Friday, 3 February 2023
Conditioning: For time: 900/1,000 meter row 40 v-ups 675/750 meter row 40 v-ups 450/500 meter row Post-workout: Rest, stretch, and recover

Thursday, 2 February 2023 // PARTNER
Conditioning: 5 rounds for time with a partner: 30 alternating DB snatches (50/70) 20 box jump-overs (20/24) – Resting partner hangs from...

Wednesday, 1 February 2023 // HEAVY DAY
Strength: 7 sets for load: 5 front squats Post-workout: Rest, stretch, and recover