Friday, 30 December 2022
Pre-workout Skill Work: 1 set for max reps: Max unbroken double-unders or 2:00 max unbroken double-unders Conditioning: 7 sets for load:...

Thursday, 29 December 2022
Pre-workout Skill Work: Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 1-5 muscle-ups – On the 4th set, perform AMRAP until failure Conditioning: EMOM 5: :30 max...

Wednesday, 28 December 2022
Strength: Deadlift EMOM 8: 1 deadlift – Build to a heavy single Conditioning: AMRAP 8: 2 wall walks 2 deadlifts (205/315)

Tuesday, 27 December 2022
Conditioning: For time: 30-25-20-15-10: GHD sit-ups 100-80-60-40-20: Double-unders Post-workout Skill Work: Accumulate: 50 back extensions

Monday, 26 December 2022
Conditioning: 2 RFT 50 alternating DB snatches (35/50) 50 wall-ball shots (14/20) Post-workout Skill Work: Accumulate w/a partner: 40 DB...

Friday, 23 December 2022
Conditioning: "The 12 Days of Christmas" For Time: 1 Bar Muscle-up (Modification - Wall Walk) 2 Burpees 3 Thrusters 4 Box Jumps 5 TTB 6...

Thursday, 22 December 2022
Conditioning: 5 x 2:00 rounds for reps: 18/25 calorie row Max double-unders – Rest 2:00 between sets Post-workout Skill Work: Accumulate:...

Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Conditioning: For time 15 DB burpee box overs (20/35) (20") 15 deadlifts (125/185) 15 overhead squats (75/115) 15 ring muscle-ups – Use...

Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Strength: Every 2:00 X 4 sets 10 shoulder presses (strict press) - Increase weight across sets Conditioning: AMRAP 12 50-ft. handstand...

Monday, 19 December 2022
Conditioning: For time 150-ft DB walking lunges (35/50) 50 alternating DB hang snatches 150-ft DB walking lunges 50 single-arm DB hang...