Saturday, 4 July 2020 - Independence Day!
Coach Marty will be at the Box at 7am if anyone would like to join him for a Hero WOD (see below). Coach Vance will be at the Box from...
Friday, 3 July 2020 "Happy Independence Day Weekend"
Conditioning: 1000 Meter Row Directly Into, 3 Rounds: 8 Burpees 12 Pull-ups 16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) Then, 800 Meter...
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Strength: Back squat 5 Sets X 4 Reps Tempo 2 Seconds Down 3 Second Pause at Bottom Conditioning: EMOM 20 12/8 Calorie Bike 8 Toes...